Monday 31 December 2018

We've been doing Signings and Readings now as much as possible since the book was released...official release date was November 6th when I found it had been made available on AMAZON at that time.  When did it actually become released - unknown.  I just know the soft cover was first made available, the hard copy made available soon after that...then the Kindle and Nook and iTunes after that.  No idea how well on-line sales have been doing.  For myself, not doing too badly, could've been better if the Press Release had been put out sooner than it did.  As it is, the Christmas season is done, now - but the book fits more than just a holiday reading format.  Santa's adventures go all the year around.  2019 I will have to somehow LAUNCH the book again.

I think I'm ready to begin!

Monday 17 December 2018

THE HARD COPY versions of THE NEVER BEFORE FOUND CHRONICLES of SANTA have finally arrived!  A bit late.

Thursday 13 December 2018

I now have a website:  and a YouTube presentation:  !!!
You did know you can get the book, THE NEVER BEFORE FOUND CHRONICLES of SANTA on-line at both AMAZON and BARNES&NOBLE as well as APPLE...!!!  The book is also now on KINDLE and NOOK with downloads from Apple to iPhone and iPad formats, too!  I've also noted there are other bookstores here and there now offering it on-line - you just have to search it out.  Barnes and Noble stores - nope, just on-line.
So, I hope you find it!  We've done some readings to a local school (K-5) and the kids are loving the stories!  Hope you do, too!